Okay y'all, my health and body is probably at one of it's lowest it has been in a very long time. I love food and I love the whole experience you have when you dine out, especially new places. Amos and I are a very social couple and go out to eat most of the time and at least twice a week go with friends (We do not have kids or pets yet so we take advantage while we can :)). This means a higher risk of over eating and drinking, which I end up doing majority of the time. Also because of the crazy busy year we have had so far with moving, volunteering at the Houston Rodeo, studying for a big exam, and work I have not exercised or dieted like my body needs, and therefore have felt sluggish and tired.
Well now that things are getting back to normal I decided to take some action and try to get healthy and my body back into shape. I started out with walking and sometimes running along trails in our neighborhood. I love doing this because I can look at all the beautiful houses and trees. Well I have been doing this the last month 3-5 times a week between 3-4 miles and decided I need to step it up and add some variation. So last week I bought a Groupon for a boot-camp at a park around our new house (here). My first day was Saturday morning and I will admit I was very nervous because I have never done a boot-camp before. Well so far the experience has not been bad. What I had heard from others about boot-camps are that there can be some really intense ones. The one I joined is not that way...actually the opposite. This one you go at your own pace. This doesn't mean you aren't pushed, but it doesn't mean someone is yelling in my face for not keeping up with others who have been doing it much longer then I. The next day I woke up very sore, but not like my body was over exerted. I am very excited to see if I can keep it up and start this new healthy lifestyle and the changes to come...after all I do have to look good for this wedding I am planning, here.
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